What is it like to work with a Holistic Nutritionist?
Krista Znebel, Registered Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Gut Health
So what exactly does a holistic nutritionist do?
I get this question a lot!
…and once I explain what a holistic nutritionist does, I usually hear “oh, that makes sense, wouldn’t we all want to be assessed and treated that way?”
This shift towards more holistic health is growing and we play a critical role in this space.
Holistic nutrition focuses on the interconnectedness of the body, mind and spirit which means we approach a client’s illness or symptom from a whole person perspective.
The mind and emotions that one experiences can either be a catalyst or hindrance to overcoming an illness or symptom. Holistic nutrition focuses on education and addressing both physical and chemical imbalances through diet, as well as mental and emotional imbalances through stress reduction, nervous system support and mindset work.
Let’s take constipation for example. Most traditional practitioners would prescribe a medication which may help with constipation temporarily, but doesn’t stop it from recurring again. Whereas we look at the diet, imbalance and digestive function capability that may be impacting the way the colon is functioning, figuring out why it’s not working in the first place and putting together a plan for the client to improve and avoid constipation from happening again.
Another differentiating trait is our belief regarding the quality of your surrounding environment, food and growing practices. Increased toxic loads from our modern lifestyle all negatively impact important functions within our bodies and must be addressed for long term health. The quality of soils our food is grown in, whether or not it’s grown with pesticides, how animals are raised and treated, and distance in which food is grown in relation to where you live also all contribute to how nutritious and beneficial the food you eat is to your overall state of health.
The quality of your gut health is a reflection of the quality of soil the food you eat is grown in
How can you find the right holistic nutritionist for your problem?
Choosing the right holistic nutritionist is important because they will become your #1 supporter and you’ll meet with them frequently (usually weekly or bi-weekly). It’s important to look for a holistic nutritionist who is certified with a designation (like RHN or CNP in Ontario). Learning from my own health journey, I suggest finding someone who has had their own experience with the symptoms you are experiencing. They know first hand what you are experiencing, both physically and mentally, and have invested a lot of time understanding the ins and outs of your symptoms or illness. Ask for a meet and greet or discovery call so you can get a feel for their personality and how they respond to your questions to determine if they’d be a good fit for you.
What it’s like to work with a holistic nutritionist
Every holistic nutritionist will have similar principles behind their practice but the way they work with clients or the duration of their programs will be unique to them. In my practice, the first 2 sessions are always similar with the remaining follow ups varying depending on the client and their health goals. The first session is a detailed health history review where we discuss the clients intake form, symptoms, food journal and weekly goals. Between the first and second session, I put together the clients individualized health plan where nutrition, supplement and lifestyle recommendations are included. The second session is spent reviewing this plan which will be carried out during my time with the client, answering any questions and reviewing weekly goals.
The following sessions, which are dependent upon the client’s symptoms or illness and length of support they want, continue to review holistic nutrition concepts, goals (what worked, what didn’t and why), discuss feedback on meal plans and guidelines and review of supplemental handouts and exercises. After completing one of my programs you will feel:
Confident in your body once you are able to introduce foods without reacting to them
Excited to be able to able to eat out at social functions again
Energized without feeling tired all day long
Hopeful that you’ll be able to live a normal life without running to the washroom all the time
A new found self-respect after learning how good nourishing food makes you feel
Worthy of a happy, health and well-functioning body
Also, depending on your employer benefits package, holistic nutrition sessions may be covered by your insurance!
Holistic Nutrition: Discusses concepts, sets goals, meal plans for easy food prep
Weekly nutrition, digestion and stress management goals are set so you will succeed
What else can a holistic nutritionist do to solve your problem?
Nutrition is obviously a main focus in my practice but part of fixing your digestive issues and getting your digestion back on track is looking at how you’re eating. This is a very underrated part of what holistic nutritionists can offer! You can take all the supplements and eat all of the nutritious foods but if you don’t address some of the mechanical issues involved with eating, the likelihood of some of the symptoms or illness returning may be increased. Based on my own personal experience, implementing and actually sticking to proper eating habits can be a huge game changer in reducing your digestive symptoms.
We also offer alternative, holistic approaches in addition to diet that clients can take to support their body through their recovery journey. These recommendations are definitely not things you’ll get from your standard healthcare practitioner! Looking at the constipation example again, lifestyle recommendations may look like incorporating a bowel massage, deep breathing while taking a bowel movement to relax the nervous system in the stomach, using castor oil packs and increasing exercise. Lifestyle changes together with dietary improvements create a failproof system for success!
Have you been thinking about working with a holistic nutritionist- here’s what to do next…
Holistic Nutritionists are on the forefront of a new movement towards holistic healthcare that actually gets to the root cause of what exactly is going on in your body. This way you can actually overcome whatever illness or disease you may be living with and managing instead of taking a drug that just acts as a band aid solution.
Does this sound like an approach that you resonate with?
I’d love to be your #1 supporter and watch you transform your digestive health so you can get back to eating all your favourite foods again without any uncomfortable symptoms. Start your healthjourney today by signing up for our newsletter!
🚨 Before You Go! 🚨
Don’t forget to reward yourself with this totally free e-book that will help you understand why you haven’t been able to overcome SIBO for good! It’s free and you can access it right away by clicking here
© By Krista Znebel, Holistic Nutritionist, R.H.N.
April 18, 2023