Eliminate your SIBO in as little as 8 weeks while transforming your digestive system to become strong and resilient
The SIBO Turnaround Method™
No more doctor roulette, restrictive diets or failed attempts!
You are not meant to suffer from frustrating, life altering digestive symptoms every single day.
You can and deserve to live a life full of energy and food freedom.
Now is your time.
The SIBO Turnaround Method was created for people who don’t want to identify as a sick person. For those who know their body has an innate ability to heal and aren’t quite sure how to get there.
This program was designed not only to support elimination of SIBO but to take it one step further and rebuild your microbiome to achieve optimal gut health and resiliency- your best defense against relapse.
It's your turn to live a SIBO-free life.
You’re feeling like…
Everything you eat makes you SO bloated
You feel hopeless after having tried all the DIY and low FODMAP diets with no success
You’ve struggled with digestive issues for years or been diagnosed with IBS with no path forward
Your food anxiety is the worst it’s ever been and it’s starting to impact your daily life
You’re afraid to travel, go to social events or be away from the house for any period of time in case you have an urgent bowel movement or
You feel heavy and gross from not being able to have a bowel movement for days
You’ve lost all confidence in your body and feel ashamed especially when you have to wear a bathing suit
You’ve had no success getting rid of SIBO to date or have had a negative SIBO test only to relapse within a couple of weeks or months
If you’re reading this and it’s resonating with you it’s time to prioritize yourself and invest in your health

A year from now you could be…
Ready to embark on a weekend trip with your friends or vacation with your partner and you’re excited to eat at the hottest new restaurant in town. You’re proud to wear your sexy new outfit and feel so vibrant, calm and care free
The life of you’ve been dying to live can be yours- you just need to believe in yourself and know it’s possible with the right guidance
The SIBO Turnaround Method
This is a 1 on 1 program designed to take you from bloated to digesting with ease.
Using the power of natural herbs, food and your body’s innate ability to heal to regain your optimal health
Unlike rushed doctor’s appointments or being given directions for a protocol with no guidance or explanation on what you should be doing, The SIBO Turnaround Method is designed to provide support every step of the way through Elimination, Re-Introduction and the Rebuilding Phase.
Our effective 3 phased system not only eliminates SIBO but gives you the tools needed to rebuild and strengthen your gut microbiome to allow you eat all your favourite foods again, symptom free!
In The SIBO Turnaround Method you will learn:
The main contributing factors that led to the development of your SIBO and how to correct them
Develop the eating habits needed to support optimal digestive function
Various stress reduction and vagal toning practices so you can create an effective stress reduction routine to regulate your nervous system- a key component of overcoming SIBO!
What foods are best eaten or avoided in the beginning to help minimize your symptoms
How to strengthen and regrow your gut microbiome the right way by re-introducing foods in a way that doesn’t overwhelm your digestive system
How to recognize the connection between how you feel and the foods you eat
Various self-reflection exercises to build trust and confidence in your body again
At the end of the 7 sessions, you’ll have everything you need to live a vibrant, healthful life that will allow you to wear that tight dress again, enjoy family meals and travel confidently again!!
Ready to commit to your health and start living the life you deserve?
What’s Included When You Join
Everything you need to successfully go through every step of the process- from SIBO to Diet Expansion
• 7 One on one live calls with Krista (1 hr initial consultation and 45min follow up sessions)
• 4 1-week meals plans to help reduce meal stress during the Elimination and Rebuilding Phases
• Your personalized SIBO Root Cause Analysis & Action Plan
• Bi-weekly accountability & progress check ins
• Daily email or text support for the duration of the program
• Tailored mindfulness and self-reflection exercises
Total Value: $2,500
Programs & Applications
• 20% off the Food Marble Device for Breath Testing & Monitoring (valued at $339 CAD)
•6 week Nerva Gut Hypnotherapy Program (valued at $100USD)
Total Value: $480
•A gratitude journal
•Educational handouts and guides to support you through every step of the SIBO process, the mind-gut connection & nervous system exercises
•Guides and tips on how to navigate the modern food system going forward
•Fermentation guide for strengthening your gut microbiome
•10% discount on herbal supplements (supplements costs are extra and are dependent on your unique case)
Total Vale: $400
Your Investment: 6 payments of $307
…and how it feels to want to get rid of SIBO so badly that you’d do anything. That’s exactly why I created The SIBO Turnaround Method- to provide you with guidance and all the tools needed to overcome SIBO and minimize your risk of it coming back.
In my early 30’s I was diagnosed with SIBO and spent 2.5 years on a super restrictive diet, saw multiple healthcare professionals including naturopath’s and a gastroenterologist and spent hours doing my own research to figure out how I could get better. I was miserable, scared, in constant pain and wondered if I’d ever gain my health back. But I knew that wasn’t the life I was meant to live.
That was my turning point. I decided to study holistic nutrition and took additional courses in digestive health and SIBO. All of the additional training and personal experience I went through provided me with the expertise, methods and tools needed to help others just like you overcome SIBO too in the quickest way possible.
I know what it feels like to have SIBO
I want to encourage you and let you know that you too can become SIBO free. I’ll support you every step of the way and share everything I’ve learned from my own SIBO journey and education to help you overcome your SIBO and rebuild your gut microbiome.
I am here to help you learn and understand why you have SIBO, eliminate it and most importantly re-build your gut microbiome to become stronger than ever before. Food shouldn’t be a stressor- Instead it should bring joy, pleasure, energy and nourishment.
So if you’re ready to invest in your health and bring balance to your digestive system, I’d love to show you the way. I’ll show you have to gain confidence back in your body and improve your relationship with food so you can enjoy living your life again.
The SIBO Turnaround Method is for You if…
You’re committed and ready to prioritize and take control of your health
You recognize that restoring health to your body takes time and are willing to put in the time and effort it takes to strengthen and rebuild your gut microbiome
You’re eager to evolve and incorporate transformational lifestyle practices into your daily routine
You recognize that your health is an investment and plays a big role in your future overall well-being and happiness
You’re ready to embrace new ideas and habits to support your healing and improve your digestion
You’re prepared to make dietary changes for a short period to help eliminate SIBO
The SIBO Turnaround Method is NOT for You if…
You’re not willing to put in the work or effort that’s required to transform your health
You want a quick fix that won’t address your root causes and have negative impacts to your microbiome
You’re not interested in changing your lifestyle or routine
You see your health as an expense instead of an investment and not sure if your health is worth it
You’re comfortable with your
current routine and habits and
don’t want to change
You’re not willing to change your diet to improve your health
The Program
The SIBO Turnaround Method provides an unprecedented level of support and comprehensive microbiome re-building strategy
A Customized Root Cause Analysis & Action Plan
The key to minimizing your risk of relapse is to identify and correct the main reasons you have SIBO in the first place
This step is often missed in conventional medicine which contributes to SIBO’s high relapse rates
During the second session, we review and discuss your Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan and work on implementing it throughout the remainder of the program
6 Months of Support from Prep Through Diet Expansion
Everything you need to successfully go through every step of the process: from SIBO Elimination to Diet Expansion
Session 1:
Health Intake & Prep Phase
In this session we’ll dive deep into your health history to get an understanding of the reasons you have SIBO
You will:
Discuss any points of health history clarification with me
Receive the prep phase dietary and supplement guidelines to start on
Discuss directions for SIBO test
Intro to mindful eating exercise
Implement the first digestion habit
Session 2:
Root Cause Analysis & Elimination Phase (Food)
In this session I’ll review your root cause analysis so you can understand your main contributing factors to having SIBO
You will:
Discuss any points of health history clarification with me
Receive the prep phase dietary and supplement guidelines to start on
Discuss directions for SIBO test
Intro to mindful eating exercise
Implement the first digestion habit
In this session we’ll discuss how you’ve been feeling and provide support in areas required prior to starting herbal antimicrobials
You will:
Discuss and reflect on last session exercise and goal
Receive your herbal protocol to follow for the next 6 weeks
Receive meal plan 3
Set your retest date
Implement the third digestion habit & mindfulness exercise
Session 3:
Elimination Phase (Herbs)
Session 4:
SIBO Re-test & Review Results
In this session we’ll discuss your test result asnd determine next steps.
You will:
Discuss and reflect on last session exercise and goal
Discuss food re-introduction process
Receive supplement suggestions to support microbiome rebuilding
Receive meal plan 4
Implement the fourth digestion habit & mindfulness exercise
In this session we’ll discuss how you’re making out with food re-introduction and discuss any questions
You will:
Discuss and reflect on last session exercise and goal
Discuss food reintroduction progress
Receive any supplement changes needed
Implement the fifth digestion habit & mindfulness exercise
Session 5:
Food Re-Introduction
Session 6:
In this session we’ll discuss dietary approaches to strengthening your gut microbiome
You will:
Discuss and reflect on last session exercise and goal
Implement strategies to continue rebuilding your gut microbiome
Implement the sixth digestion habit & mindfulness exercise
Session 7:
Diet Expansion
In this session we discuss the supplements and tools needed going forward
You will:
Discuss and reflect on last session exercise and goal
Receive any supplement or dietary suggestions to implement long term
Receive guides on how to travel, manage antibiotic use and lifestyle strategies to implement going forward to reduce relapse risk
Are you ready to live a life where you identify as a healthy person who feel’s calm and confident in your body, has a positive relationship with food and enjoy’s eating again?
SIBO Success Stories
It’s a big investment…
You can’t put a price tag on your health! SIBO isn’t something you want to live forever with and leaving it untreated can increase your risk of developing autoimmune diseases. YOU ARE WORH IT. Your body deserves this There’s a monthly payment plan option to help make the cost more manageable.
6 months seems like a long time...
SIBO is likely something that developed over months or years which means it will take some time to reverse. Your body is complex and takes time to recover. 8 weeks in the minimum to get the bacteria under control and the strengthening and re-building your gut is something that will take patience and time but worth it in the end when you can eat all your favourite foods again!
I haven’t heard of you and there are so many alternatives, why choose you?
Through my own experience trying to overcome SIBO for more than 3 years I realized that there was a huge gap missing in how doctor’s help patients treat this condition. Some doctor’s don’t think dietary changes are necessary, many don’t focus on addressing your root cause, there is no testing to confirm the right treatment and there’s no guidance given on how to re-introduce foods back in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the digestive system and proper eating habits to avoid relapse.
Without these critical pieces SIBO can be difficult to get rid of or the likelihood of it returning is high. This program is unique in that it combines nutritional support, transformation of eating habits and effective stress reduction methods to complement your antibiotics or anti-microbials so you can overcome SIBO for good.
I don’t think I can do the diet...
Yes you can! That’s why 4 meal plans are included to provide variety of easy to make, delicious SIBO friendly recipes. The diet is only done for 8 weeks which in the grand scheme of your life is very minimal! Also, the meals I have created are tasty and satisfying and won’t leave you feeling deprived.
I have too much going on in my life right now to commit...
Life is busy and stressful, but these are exactly the conditions that helped you to develop SIBO and may be making your symptoms worse. The program’s Destress for SIBO Success Approach will help teach you how to manage stress, reduce overwhelm and help you cultivate calm in your life. This is also a valuable tool for long term health and to avoid relapse.
What is $307/month isn’t in my budget?
I want this program to be accessible to you so you can start feeling your best ASAP! I’d be happy to discuss adjustments to the payment plan price to meet your budget.